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The twisted teeth depend not only on genetics but also on the alteration of the functions of the mouth. The malocclusion is the term that highlights this situation, it is a disharmony of the dental arches that can have an aesthetic or can be highlighted through various functional pains. It can refer to a group of teeth, to a single arch or to the relationship between the maxilla and the mandible.

The right therapy is that which gives the mouth a natural, harmonious appearance, obtained with functional and non-invasive methods.
The goal is to achieve balance in the mouth, without creating problems in other areas of the body. All this stimulating the patient to use his own strength (tongue and chewing muscles) and his potential for growth and natural remodeling to solve the problem of malocclusion.

Equilibrium and harmony are the goals to which Equilibriodonzia tends, which gathers the legacy of the tradition of functionalism and integrates it with the most recent scientific acquisitions. Its path arises from the awareness that malocclusions are always linked to an alteration of the functions of the oral cavity and this in turn has profound repercussions on general health and posture. More information on this page.

Its meaning is “wisdom of equilibrium”. Equisophy offers a new vision of medicine aimed at finding the psycho-physical balance in the human being. Equisophy is synonymous with harmony with ourselves and with the world around us.

Only Eptamed balancers are used. These devices are chosen and modified by the dentist according to the needs of the individual patient. These changes are a great added value, since it is almost never necessary to intervene on the dentition of the patient with occlusal increases, but only on the device.

The malocclusion is linked to a disharmony of the vital functions that are related to the mouth, so:

  • Breathing
  • Swallowing
  • Chewing
  • Phonological

An adult person or a child breathing with the mouth, presents a typical set of characteristics:

  • Eye bags
  • Tiredness during the day
  • Narrow palate
  • Difficulty of concentration

Contracted or narrow palate means little place for the teeth, and consequently crooked and crossed teeth. Starting a treatment with the vibrator, it acts directly on improving breathing.

Each of us swallows on average 3,000 times a day, and the tongue exercises at every swallowing act, a pressure of half a kilogram. In physiology, the correct position of the tongue provides that this is at the top with the tip resting on the palatine spot (palate). However, if for any reason, which could be a prolonged suction, prolonged breastfeeding, spoiled habits, etc., it may happen that the tongue can not go upwards and remain low inside the mouth.
In this case, the muscles that make up the tongue push in a wrong way, generating enormous forces on the teeth and on the bone bases, changing the shape of the mouth and distorting the teeth towards the front.

It is a mobile device, very elastic that:

  • Avoid contact between the teeth facilitating repositioning;
  • Avoid contact between the tongue and the teeth;
  • Re-activate nasal breathing;
  • Promotes the language to go on the palate;
  • Rebalance the muscles of the mouth and face.

The balancer must be worn during sleep, and at least 1 hour during the day.

Therapy can be started without problems at any age, ideal from age 5.

  • The balancer is a medical device available in over 75 variants chosen by a certified dentist, who carefully adapts it to the patient’s mouth, also thanks to its conformation and elasticity aims to rebalance the altered functions of the mouth.
  • A bite bought in pharmacy, is standard, is a rigid device and not elastic, often annoying the gums, and its use is not followed by a dentist, with the consequent risks that derive from self-therapy.
  • A dentist’s bite is a custom-made device that can be placed on the upper or lower arch, but due to its stiffness and its molded shape it does not stimulate the resolution of the problem and only temporarily relieves the pains or problems.

The balancer can be used mainly in 3 cases:

  • In cases of malocclusion in which the dentist considers its use useful.
  • Children, as an intercective orthodontics aimed at equilibrium.
  • Adults with the most varied physical problems (postural pains, cervical pains, headaches, mandibular clicks, snoring, nocturnal apneas, gastric refluxes, bruxism …)

No, there are many measures, each for each mouth.
Your dentist will be able to choose the most appropriate device for you.

Generally the therapy lasts 2 years, but each case must be evaluated by a certified dentist.

No, the balancer does not give any kind of annoyance, except for the first days of use in which you have to get used to this new “friend”.
It is generally very pleasant for each patient to wear the balancer.

In any type of mouth the balancer can be used.
Even with mobile prostheses.
Even in the case of implantology, there is no contraindication.

Yes of course! All the teeth move, always, all life, some more than others.
There are extreme cases of strong mobility (periodontitis) that will be evaluated individually by the dentist qualified to use the Eptamed balancer.

The balancer, as the word itself says, tends to balance the mouth.
The more the mouth is in balance, the more dental and gingival dysfunction can improve.

Cleaning the balancer is very simple: toothbrush, water and toothpaste.
After being carefully washed, it is recommended to dry it gently.

All Eptamed balancers are biocompatible and certified for their use. Although today there have been no cases of allergic reactions in case of doubt it is recommended to suspend use and have the dentist evaluate the situation.

Especially from children!
In children, the fastest results are normally obtained.
It changes the breathing, the swallowing, the chewing and then the mouth and consequently the teeth change.

It is impossible to swallow a balancer, because its diameter is at least 2 times higher than the esophagus-trachea.

Absolutely yes. At any age it is possible to start a treatment with the Eptamed balancer.
Obviously the most rapid changes and results are observed in children.
But even in adults motivated to change, excellent results are obtained.

Depending on the case and with a valid medical support, the use of a balancer can:

  • Eliminate all occlusal interferences;
  • Optimize stomatognatic function in relation to bone / dental, muscular and articular structures;
  • Improve the postural structure and therefore, in cascade, of all those structures exquisitely involved in competitive activity;
  • Enhance sports performance in a quantitative and qualitative sense;
  • Reduce muscle fatigue.
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