For over 10 years, we have been making people’s smiles special

Eptamed Meeting 10 Years

Eptamed Meeting
10 Years

Eptamed course Peschiera del Garda

Eptamed course
Peschiera del Garda

Testimonials from our courses

Testimonials from
our courses

Interview with Dr. Sara Redaelli

Interview Dr. Anthony Dori

Interview Davide Dealberti

Interview Pietro Mellaccio

International Meeting 2019

Video Interviews

Interview Dr. Lola Lopez Del Jesus (Spain)

Interview with Dr. Aldo Cortelletti

Interview with Dr. Ivano Benvegnù (in Spanish)

Interview with Dr. Maria Luisa Sabbatini

Interview with Dr. Margherita Manca

Interview with Dr. Tania Piazza

Interview Dr. Verona Stebih (in Croatian)

Interview with Dr. Maurizio Vaini

Interview with Dr. Domenico Campana

Interview with Dr. Giovanni Furlani

Interview with Dr. Alberto Mazzocchi

Interview with Dr. Annalaura Longo

Interview Dr. Dora Stebih (in English)

Interview with Dr. Massimiliano Baldinetti

Interview with Dr. Ornella Campana

Interview with Dr. Pasquale Andriuzzi