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What is Equilibriodonzia?

Equilibriodonzia is an innovative orthodontic method that seeks the functional balance of the mouth through natural and non-invasive techniques. Functional balance of the mouth refers to asymptomatic and balanced movements of the mouth (lateral and protrusive).

In this state of balance, the ATM (temporomandibular joint) must also be asymptomatic, meaning it should not exhibit clicks or noises during the opening or closing of the mouth. The basic method for achieving this balance relies on the use of particular elastic and soft appliances. Its approach stems from the understanding that malocclusions are always related to an alteration of the functions of the oral cavity, which in turn has profound repercussions on overall health and posture. In fact, the development of the mouth is determined by its functions, which organize starting from:

  • the thirteenth week of intrauterine life, with the onset of swallowing;
  • birth, with breathing and sucking;
  • the appearance of primary teeth, with chewing.

Dentosofia: using Eptamed equilibrators

Balance and harmony are the goals towards which Equilibriodonzia aims, integrating the legacy of functionalism with the most recent scientific advancements

The recognition of a link between altered vital functions and the onset of organic pathologies can be traced back to Hippocrates and has been a continuous subject of study up to the present day. A decade of experience has allowed for the observation of a systematic relationship between an unbalanced mouth (and thus a functional anomaly) and various pathologies, including:

  • headaches
  • painful conditions of the spine and joints
  • dyslexia, attention deficit, and hyperactivity
  • ENT diseases
  • snoring and sleep apnea
  • allergic issues
  • balance disorders

The oral cavity has also proven fundamental for the plasticity of the nervous system: salivary glands produce various nerve growth factors, and the discovery of neurogenesis in the adult brain suggests that the possibilities for neuroplasticity are greater than previously thought.

From a therapeutic perspective, Equilibriodonzia employs non-invasive functional mobile devices, the
Equilibratori MEA, which represent the most current evolution of Soulet-Besombes activators.

Unlike similar products on the market:

  • they are made from four different, non-toxic, and hypoallergenic materials of varying hardness;
  • they support modifications that are gradually introduced to provide new stimulations and are essential for therapeutic success.

Treatment with the
Equilibratori MEA leads to effective re-education of the vital functions of the oral cavity, resulting in an harmonization of the mouth, with profound positive impacts on systemic health.



What is Equilibriodonzia?

For functional balance of the mouth

They refer to asymptomatic and balanced movements of the mouth (lateral and protrusive).

In this state of equilibrium, the ATM (temporomandibular joint) must also be asymptomatic, meaning it should not produce clicks or noises during the opening or closing of the mouth. The basic method for achieving such balance is based on the use of particular elastic and soft devices.

Its approach stems from the awareness that malocclusions are always linked to an alteration of the functions of the oral cavity, which in turn has profound repercussions on general health and posture.

Indeed, the development of the mouth is determined by its functions, which begin to organize from:

  • the thirteenth week of intrauterine life, with the onset of swallowing;
  • birth, with breathing and sucking;
  • the emergence of primary teeth, with chewing.

Dentosophy: using Eptamed equilibrators

Balance and Harmony

These are the goals that Equilibriodonzia strives for, which gathers the legacy of the tradition of functionalism and integrates it with the most recent scientific advancements.

The recognition of a link between altered vital functions and the emergence of organic pathologies can be traced back to Hippocrates and has been a continuous subject of study to this day. Decades of experience have allowed the observation of a systematic relationship between an unbalanced mouth (and therefore a functional anomaly) and various pathologies, including:

  • Headaches
  • Painful conditions of the spine and joints
  • Dyslexia, attention deficit, and hyperactivity
  • Ear, nose, and throat diseases
  • Sleep apnea and snoring disorders
  • Allergic issues
  • Balance disorders

The oral cavity has also proven to be fundamental for the plasticity of the nervous system: salivary glands produce various nerve growth factors, and the discovery of neurogenesis in the adult brain suggests that the possibilities for neuroplasticity are greater than initially assumed.

From a therapeutic point of view

Unlike similar products on the market:

  • they are made from four different non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials of varying hardness;
  • they support modifications that are gradually introduced to provide new stimuli and are essential for therapeutic success.

The treatment with Equilibratori MEA results in an effective re-education of the vital functions of the oral cavity, through which an harmonization of the mouth is achieved, with profound positive repercussions on systemic health.


What is equilibriodontics?

Equilibridontology is an innovative orthodontic method that seeks the functional balance of the mouth through natural and non-invasive techniques.

For functional balance of the mouth

It refers to asymptomatic and balanced movements of the mouth (lateral and protrusive).

In this state of balance, the ATM (temporomandibular joint) must also be asymptomatic, meaning it should not make clicks or noises during the opening or closing of the mouth. The basic method for achieving this balance relies on the use of specific elastic and soft devices.

Its approach stems from the understanding that malocclusions are always related to alterations in the functions of the oral cavity, which in turn have profound repercussions on overall health and posture. In fact, the development of the mouth is determined by its functions, which are organized from:

  • the thirteenth week of intrauterine life, with the beginning of swallowing;
  • birth, with breathing and sucking;
  • the emergence of deciduous teeth, with chewing.

Dentosophy: using Eptamed equilibrators

Balance and harmony

These are the goals that Equilibriodonzia aims for, which inherits the legacy of functionalism and integrates it with the most recent scientific advancements.

The recognition of a link between altered vital functions and the emergence of organic pathologies can be traced back to Hippocrates and has been a continuous subject of study up to the present day. Decades of experience have allowed for the observation of a systematic relationship between an unbalanced mouth (and thus a functional anomaly) and various pathologies, including:

  • headaches
  • painful conditions of the spine and joints
  • dyslexia, attention deficit, and hyperactivity
  • ORL diseases
  • sleep apnea and snoring
  • allergic issues
  • balance disorders

The oral cavity has also proven fundamental for the plasticity of the nervous system: the salivary glands produce various nerve growth factors, and the discovery of neurogenesis in the adult brain suggests that the possibilities for neuroplasticity are greater than initially assumed.

From a therapeutic point of view

Unlike similar products available on the market:

  • they are made from four different materials, non-toxic and hypoallergenic, of varying hardness;
  • they support the modifications that are gradually introduced to provide new stimuli and are essential for therapeutic success.

The treatment with Equilibratori MEA results in effective re-education of the vital functions of the oral cavity, through which an harmonization of the mouth is achieved, with profound positive impacts on systemic health.

Girl with an Equilibrator